How We Can Help You
We provide a comprehensive range of services to nonprofit organizations considering the role of partnerships to help them meet their strategic objectives. The foundation of our work is senior, experienced advice rooted in sharp, analytical insights. This is balanced with a holistic view of the needs of the institution and the communities it serves.
Among the services we provide to clients:
- Provide senior-level advice and analysis regarding strategic business situations
- Execute specific buy-side or sell-side transactions for an entire enterprise or of subsidiary businesses
- Perform market assessments, including the client’s or prospective partner’s market and financial position
- Review financial and strategic opportunities for an organization’s portfolio of businesses, assets, or activities
- Provide management and board education
30+ Years of Experience as Partnership Advisors
We have advised health systems, academic medical centers, community hospitals and related nonprofit institutions on partnership matters since 1988 and have completed dozens of engagements across the country. These engagements have included buy-side and sell-side mandates, strategic assessments, joint ventures and other alliances and board and management education.
Recently many of the trends and industry dynamics in higher education have begun to follow those that healthcare experienced years ago. We expect to see significant consolidation and restructuring among these institutions over the coming years. Our experience in working effectively with nonprofit stakeholders, assessing market and financial position and creating actionable strategic alternatives have made this a growing part of our business.
Representative Client List